I love British spanking movies of the eighties and nineties and I've spent the last few years delving into their history. I started this blog to share my interest and what I've learned about it.

Can you help me find a movie? I have been able to finding a few of the Kane I've been searching for with the help of two readers but there are still several others that I'm trying to find. These include Take Three Girls, The French Maid (aka The French Maid's Flogging), Stripe Me Pink, Housewives Choice and The Real Business. Please leave a comment if you know where I might be able to find any of these.

Tuesday 12 February 2019

Some Harrison-Marks Films

I have been working through the Janus films over the past few weeks and my plan is to continue that with a review of Wardens End, the last of the Janus films made by George Harrison-Marks, in the next few days.  At the same time, I’ve been researching GHM’s Kane International films that he made while editing Kane Magazine and I’ve been doing some work on the Roue & Blushes films on the side.  In the course of this work I’ve run across some films that look like GHM films but they don’t seem to have made by any of these companies.  I hoping that someone who looks at this blog might be able to give me some help.

The first of these are a couple of films that are identified as “Harrison-Marks Films”.  I found several references that say he was making for other producers during his time with Janus and I’m wondering if he might also have been making films for himself as well.  The two I have found are “Trouble with a Female Offspring” and “Trouble with the Accused” and these are obviously part of a series as you can see below.



In both of these films the title card is followed by a card that reads “A Harrison-Marks Film”.

Update:  I eventually identified these two films as the second and thirds parts of the Kane International movie 'Treble Trouble' (Kane catalogue number 44) made about 1991.  It was the subject of a photostory in Kane magazine no. 56.
I’ve also been trying to find out who produced “The Cane and Mr. Able”.  I’ve found references that say GHM made this film at about the same time he made “Mandy Bait”; the first Kane International movie but “The Cane and Mr. Able” doesn’t appear in the Kane International catalogue.

Another outlier is “The Spanking Game #2”.  This film is clearly identified as “Directed by George Harrison-Marks” but there is no indication of who produced or distributed the movie and, again, it doesn’t appear in the Kane International catalogue.  The title certainly suggests that there was a “The Spanking Game #1” but I’ve haven’t found any film by that name.

My last question relates to a film called “The Incident at Effinton Girls School”.  The only copy I’ve ever found is very poor and I can’t read much of the text on the opening cards but I’ve read a number of chat room and message board posts that described it as a GHM film and it certainly has some of his common traits.

Can anyone tell me anything about any of these films?  I would appreciate any information that you might be able to give me.

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