I love British spanking movies of the eighties and nineties and I've spent the last few years delving into their history. I started this blog to share my interest and what I've learned about it.

Can you help me find a movie? I have been able to finding a few of the Kane I've been searching for with the help of two readers but there are still several others that I'm trying to find. These include Take Three Girls, The French Maid (aka The French Maid's Flogging), Stripe Me Pink, Housewives Choice and The Real Business. Please leave a comment if you know where I might be able to find any of these.

Monday 19 September 2022

Burning Ambition


“Burning Ambition” was the second movie released by Red Stripe in 1994.  It was eventually given Red Stripe catalogue number RS-112 (the number 111 was missed by error).  The movie is 48 minutes long and it features a cast of three consisting of Dominique Wright, Ivor Gold and a third woman that I can’t identify.  All but about a dozen of the Red Stripe movies are currently available through the Roue website (www.rowe.com) but this is one of the exceptions.  I am not aware of anywhere that it can currently be purchased.  The full movie may be available for viewing through Strictly English On-line but they don’t post an index of their film library.  A re-mastered version of the full movie, identified as a Strictly English production, is currently available from SpankBang at http://spankbang.com/6al7n/video/burning+ambition+full+movie+1994.

The movie opens with some very simple title cards displayed to a version of ‘Night and Day’ played in a Chop Sticks style; the title cards and theme music that would become a characteristic of Red Stripe movies would arrive later.  This cuts to two schoolgirls, Dobson (Dominique Wright) and Hill, talking in a hallway while they wait for their final grades to be posted.  Dominique is a bit old for the role but her partner looks a little more like a schoolgirl.  Fade out and return to the girls looking at their grades and finding ‘D’s where they had expected much better.  The two decide to complain to the Headmaster (played by Ivor Gold) just as he conveniently walks by.  He dismisses their complaints and tells them that they should have worked harder.  They light up two cigarettes as they lament that they will not be able to attend university and, as they watch the flame on the cigarette lighter, they decide that they will have their revenge.

Cut to the Headmaster in his office and a ringing phone.  He answers and tells the caller that ‘it’ was ‘definitely arson’.  He tells the caller that he thinks he knows who was responsible and that he is about to talk to them.  Soon there is a knock at the door and the two girls walk in.  He talks to them about the fire and they deny responsibility.  The conversation between them is too brief to be believable but he gets right to the point and he gives them a choice, he will call the police or he will punish them himself.  Of course, we all know what they choose.

He starts by taking Hills over his knee for a hand spanking.  The spanking is accompanied by much whining, repeated threats to call the police and some minor problems with the camera work.  The first spanking lasts about three minutes then its Dobson’s turn.  More of the same follows but Dobson’s spanking lasts a little longer and Wright is clearly more experienced with spanking movies so she gives the better performance.

Next, the Headmaster tells Hill to go into the next room and get a hairbrush (but she never fully leaves the frame while she is retrieving it) then she is back over his knee and a dozen swats with the brush follow.   Dobson is next and she also receives a dozen but a little lip earns her an extra half-dozen with a slipper.  This brings the movie to its’ halfway point.

There is a brief blackout then the Headmaster calls Hills over again.  He has her bend over the piano bench and she also receives a half-dozen with slipper.  Next, he brings out two canes.  Hills is still bent over the piano bench but he tells her to move the bench and touch her toes then he gives her a dozen.  He tells Hills to stand in the corner and he calls Dobson to take her place.  A little more lip leads to another hand spanking, longer than the first, then she also bends over for a dozen strokes of the cane.  These strokes seem harder than those Hills received and she seems to be struggling to get through them (I would have liked to have heard the conversation that followed the filming pf this scene).  He gives her a brief break after the first six strokes and then finishes her punishment.  Afterward, he tells the two girls he will see them again in a week before he sends them away.

This movie suffers from the same problems as “Am I Going to be Spanked Frank”, a painfully slow pace and problems with the camera work.  It falls short of what I would usually expect from Red Stripe but this is still only their second movie.  It is also Dominique Wright’s last appearance with Red Stripe.  I have seen several sources that say she played some role in founding the company but her tenure with it was very brief.  As I watch the last part of this movie I wondered if her caning had anything to do with her departure but that is just speculation on my part.

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